League of Municipalities Convention

Have you ever thought: Are there really companies out there that clean up disgusting things like blood and bodily fluids?  Today television has brought to our attention that there are some pretty dirty jobs out there.  But to us it is just another day.

Every November the League of Municipalities in the state of NJ holds a convention down in Atlantic City.  We have set up our booth every year for the past nine years and hear the same comments: “I would never need you”, “Gross!”, and of course the “Seriously, you do that?”.   Yes we are a family owned and operated company that cleans up the things that no one else ever thinks of from homicides, suicides and unfound deaths.

So why are we so important?  Many people walk past our booth with the deer in the headlights look.  Some intrigued, some grossed out and others just in awe.  Our biggest mission is to give information so that people are aware of our services.  So thank you to those that stopped by, took a pen or even had the chance to talk to one of us.

Mold Growth and Spring

Spring is only a month away, and spring hopefully means warmer weather. On one hand most of us cannot wait to open the windows, air out the house and soak up as much sun as possible.  The problem is many people forget that this is also a time to worry about mold growth as mold loves warm and wet environments.  As you all prepare to do your spring cleaning there are a few things you should remember as the snow melts and may leave some damp areas in your home.

– Check areas that may have some damage from the snow storms to ensure proper drainage away from your house.

– Check the basement for any areas that may be damp as the snow is melting and find out where the water is coming from.

– If you had any pipes burst or leak repair them immediately and ensure the area is completely dry.

– If you have a humid area of your home, invest in a dehumidifier to remove the extra moisture from the air.

– If you see condensation continuously on your windows, pipes or other areas, dry it immediately and attempt to find the cause.

– Condensation occurs when warm humid air is cooled.

– Ensure proper drainage for the air conditioning units.

–  If you see a small amount of mold that has started clean the area with a mold remover and make sure it completely dries.  If the area is large you may want to contact a professional like Emergi-Clean, Inc. to ensure there is not mold behind the area where you can visibly see the mold.

Mold is an allergen and can impact the health of the young, old and immunocompromised.  Smart-Touch Sanitizing is a great investment for your family to reduce mold and other allergens in your household.


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