What can we use it for?
Insurance Claims (Pre & Post)
In the Insurance World it is critical for all sides involved in a claim to understand the damage of a property.
Emergi-Clean Inc. uses its 3D capabilities to ensure that documentation and understanding of a claim for all parties is simple and easy.
Emergi-Clean Inc offers 3D scanning to areas prior to damages for record keeping and security reasons.
Many tools Contractors are using include moisture readers and or an ATP reading created by Hygenia, which are unbiased sources of truth to help identify and understand the extent of damages. Policyholders, adjusters and contractors – can all agree that the HDR photography, interactive 3D walkthroughs, and digital measurements displayed in a 3D scan are indisputable and the best source of documentation. In using our camera, every scan point is time-stamped, there is no ability to alter photos, and dimensions are accurate within 1%.
Customers, clients and Insurance adjusters that are unable to vist a loss site are able to take a virtual tour from their own space. Many adjusters are able to allow the start of mitigation work to begin faster, based on the fact that our camera powered by Matterport™ represents an unbiased source of truth. They can save the trip to the field altogether, knowing that the details from the 3D scan delivered are accurate and that every line item can be justified with the visuals.
Real Estate
Are you a real estate agent? Virtual tours have been shown to attract more views and generate more leads than text and still images alone.
Virtual tours can feel like a time-consuming and expensive real estate marketing option, but you can incorporate them into a range of materials, including marketing emails and open-house notifications. It’s also worth remembering that virtual tours are not limited to strict realism. They also provide an innovative solution to agents representing properties that are not yet ready for move-in, including new and renovated buildings. A virtual tour allows you to show prospective buyers a finished, furnished interior – making it that much easier for them to picture themselves inside. Consider incorporating virtual tours into your digital marketing plan, so this innovative technology can give you a solid advantage in a competitive market.