Emergi-Clean and ehsInc announce an affinity partnership

Emergi-Clean Inc. is proud to announce an affinity partnership with ehs International, Inc. (ehsInc) http://ehsinc.org, a workplace safety compliance, education, and curriculum design firm. Emergi-Clean Inc. (ECI) is a family owned and operated business for over 20 years http://emergiclean.com ECI specializes in bio remediation and bio recovery, including specialty services such as crime scene cleanup and industrial accidents. ehsInc has provided high quality safety education since 1997 providing  onsite training, consulting, and curriculum design.

Workplace safety has become vital for companies, to ensure the health of their employees and remain in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules. ECI and ehsInc have come together in order to provide their clients with the expertise and support they truly need.

Emergi-Clean Inc.’s staff includes ABRA Certified Technicians, NJ State Certified Medical Technicians, Firefighters, Certified Instructors, and OSHA Trained employees. ehsInc is comprised of industry experts who are driven to provide onsite compliance, education and program development across the nation with one common goal; protecting our workforce for future generations.

“We came together to form this partnership because we both wanted to provide added value to our clients. What Ron Vogel and Scott Vogel understands is that the bio hazards industry needs support when it comes to safety management,” stated Marjorie Del Toro, President and CEO of ehsInc., “Together with Emergi-Clean we have expanded our reach to the East Coast. Our companies complement each other. It is an affinity partnership where we have agreed to exclusively offer our services to our clients. Our clients will now have one place to go, allowing our respective services to be much more comprehensive.”

Emergi-Clean chose ehsInc as their ongoing partner because the company does not believe in a blanket approach to safety issues. ehsInc provides high quality services by tailoring their educational programs and compliance services to the specific needs of each company, which reflects the focus of Emergi-Clean Inc. Scott Vogel explained.

“ehsInc’s CEO Marjorie has a passion when she talks about the company,” Scott Vogel, Director of Operations stated. “When she speaks about the avenue of training she has an intelligence that makes her stand out more than the rest of the companies.”

The partnership provides a wider service reach and a state of the art East Coast Training Center in New Jersey.  Additionally, it will ensure the continued success of both firms all the while bringing better training options to the tri-state area which includes New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

For additional information, visit:  http://emergiclean.com and http://ehsinc.org.



Why it’s essential to have a biohazard remediation company on hand

On December 10 2004, around 1:30 PM, Custodian Debbie Rothwell received a call in what would turn into her worst day on the job. Upon her arrival she was shocked to see the bloody scene of a student that shot himself in the head inside the schools main entrance, according to  http://caselaw.findlaw.com/. Rothwell had to remove medical supplies, brain matter, pieces of bone, and blood in the hallway.

Within a few years, Rothwell filed suit against the District and Superintendent Green in 2007. Her claim was that she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The case was dismissed claiming pursuant CR 12 (b)(6) asserting her claims were precluded by the exclusivity provision of the IIA because her claimed injury occurred during the course of her employment. The trial court granted the District’s motion and dismissed the action with prejudice, and her lawsuit was reinstated in 2009.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated in 2013, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death for all ages in the United States. 8% of students have attempted suicide one or more times within 12 months. With these statistics there could be more cases like Rothwells. Especially because there are many custodians that aren’t fully trained or equipped to handle such a clean-up, emotionally.

There are companies trained and prepared in the field of biohazard remediation to handle a scenario like Rothwells. There is a lot more involved with biohazard remediation, and only a trained professional should provide the service, and many custodians and workers aren’t. If the blood isn’t cleaned up properly, it becomes a health hazard for anyone that comes into contact with it. Only a trained professional with proper tools, equipment, and properly used disinfectants can truly make the area or item safe. There has to be a proper clearance test in order to verify if the contaminated surface was disinfected. The clearance test proves that disinfection has been done properly and that the surface is safe to touch without the need to worry about it, according to American Bio Recovery Association (ABRA).

If you choose to hire a contractor or other professional service provider to do the clean up, make sure the contract has experience cleaning the issues. Check their references and ask the contractor to follow the recommendations in the EPA guide on the epa.gov website.

Raccoon Infestation

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Raccoon’s will get into any opening they can squeeze their heads through. They can rip into a roof’s overhangs, shingles, gable vents and where two roofs meet, or simply anywhere they sense a void. They can even get into the attic through crevices in the chimney.


Sewage / Water Mitigation

Sewage includes any liquid or solid that contains fecal matter, pathogens or other microorganisms that can cause diseases. When an area is affected with sewage it is important to identify all contaminated areas so that all areas can be treated. There are some materials that once exposed to sewage cannot be properly decontaminated and must be disposed of properly. Our staff will work closely with you and inform you of any belongings that will need to be removed. Once all biological contamination is corrected the area will be properly restored and sealed with Smart Shield ™ to deter mold growth.


Over the past few years the tri-state area has been plagued with strong storms that have caused areas to flood that have not in the past. Many people believe the just drying the area out and spraying some bleach on it will cure any problem. This is not the case. If mold is not treated properly it can become an indoor contaminate that can affect the health of your family and the structural safety of the building. Our staff is trained in a multi-step process to eradicate the mold, remove it if needed and then sealing the area with Smart Shield ™ to deter future mold growth.

Bed Bug Preparation

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One of the growing problems that many households are now having to deal with is bed bugs. During the day bed bugs hide in small cracks and crevices in all rooms of a house, apartment or office space. Since some adult bed bugs can survive up to a year without food, preparing the area before treatment is the most effective way of completely removing the problem. Our staff will work with you to properly prepare your space while ensuring your belongings are treated with the utmost respect and care. When this process is used prior to or in conjunction with pesticide application it has been proven that the success rate is optimized. Without proper preparation the bed begs may return.


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Emergi Clean, Inc. works alongside and assists their clients. Hoarding can be very serious as it takes over their lives. There are many degrees of hoarding and generally with professional assistance a plan of action can be developed. We at Emergi Clean, Inc will work very closely with everyone involved, we help organize, sort and find items that may have been misplaced. We remove items that may cause health & safety issues. We can help clean, deodorize, disinfect the best or worst of environments. Emergi Clean, Inc. is constantly looking for the newest and most improved ways to meet the needs of their clients. Emergi Clean, Inc. is discreet and understands the importance of your privacy and will not be judgmental but treat you as a client with the utmost respect. Each and every scenario is different, human, animal, trash, clothing and hoarding in general can create a unsafe health related environment, blood, bodily fluids, animal urine and feces and insect infestations are extremely dangerous.


Mold Growth and Spring

Spring is only a month away, and spring hopefully means warmer weather. On one hand most of us cannot wait to open the windows, air out the house and soak up as much sun as possible.  The problem is many people forget that this is also a time to worry about mold growth as mold loves warm and wet environments.  As you all prepare to do your spring cleaning there are a few things you should remember as the snow melts and may leave some damp areas in your home.

– Check areas that may have some damage from the snow storms to ensure proper drainage away from your house.

– Check the basement for any areas that may be damp as the snow is melting and find out where the water is coming from.

– If you had any pipes burst or leak repair them immediately and ensure the area is completely dry.

– If you have a humid area of your home, invest in a dehumidifier to remove the extra moisture from the air.

– If you see condensation continuously on your windows, pipes or other areas, dry it immediately and attempt to find the cause.

– Condensation occurs when warm humid air is cooled.

– Ensure proper drainage for the air conditioning units.

–  If you see a small amount of mold that has started clean the area with a mold remover and make sure it completely dries.  If the area is large you may want to contact a professional like Emergi-Clean, Inc. to ensure there is not mold behind the area where you can visibly see the mold.

Mold is an allergen and can impact the health of the young, old and immunocompromised.  Smart-Touch Sanitizing is a great investment for your family to reduce mold and other allergens in your household.


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